Review of Crêperie Nicolas - best crêpes in London!

I've been to the Southbank food market on a number of occasions and I always see this little blue truck selling crêpes. But I'm normally too full from eating all the savoury stuff that I don't have any stomach space for dessert. But tonight, that all changed. I'd had a wrap from The Athenian, but felt like having dessert. After a bit of a wonder, I decided to feed my curiosity and finally investigate this little blue truck. 

It turned out to be the wonderful Crêperie Nicolas and after tasting their super yummy crêpe, I realised how much I'd actually missed out all this time! 

The lovely couple serving you these goodies are Gill and Keith Wyles - who basically went off to Brittany to perfect the skill in making galettes and crêpes and came back to the UK to sell them in a truck. Well THANK GOD they did that, because now I have a new favourite spot for crêpes in London. 

There's quite an extensive list of different flavours for you to choose from at Crêperie Nicolas - whether you fancy something sweet or savoury. There's all the usual flavours like cheese & ham, lemon & sugar. But there's also flavours like grand marnier & Belgian chocolate sauce or brie, crispy bacon & mushroom.  

I can't say no to anything with Nutella in it, so I set my heart on my favourite combination of Nutella & banana. But as I was waiting in line, I saw that there was a Nutella and peanut butter option! I'm a proper PB fan. So in the end, I asked for the Nutella and peanut butter option, with added banana  for an extra 50p (I even got to see Gill slice up the banana with a really cool gadget!).

The crêpes I normally get served from other places in London are pretty soggy. But you won't get any of that nonsense from Crêperie Nicholas! The crêpe that Keith served me had a crispy and flaky edge - so there was a good combination of textures with the creamy Nutella and peanut butter filling inside. Gill and Keith have definitely perfected their mixture of egg, flour and butter for their vanilla flavoured batter. 

I only managed to take one quick snap of my crêpe before I ate it. Main reason being that once I took a bite, I got way too excited with how yummy it tasted and just had to finish the whole thing off at once! So I'm sorry that my one and only picture of it doesn't do it too much justice. Hopefully my words are enough to convince you that these crêpes from Crêperie Nicolas are an absolute must try! Maybe what made the occasion extra special, was that I got to see Keith freshly make my crêpe, and it was served piping hot on a cold winter's evening. It truely was £5.00 well spent, and it definitely won't be my last visit. 
